SPC Jesus S. Duran Eastside Library

Where community outshines the books

Enscape 2023 11 10 16 40 30

City of Riverside
California, United States
15,000 square feet
In Progress

The SPC Jesus S. Duran Eastside Library is located within an underserved neighborhood of the City of Riverside, California. Like many communities, this neighborhood is challenged by social and economic inequities, with a clear digital divide exacerbating the challenge. Addressing this reality with an elegant, empowering solution was the team’s main challenge. 

The new library will be a full-service branch providing mixed-age literacy and learning programs. Inspired by the arched windows of the adjacent Cesar Chavez Community Center, the crescent shape of the library presents a lightweight modern pavilion and counterpoint to the historic mass and character of its neighbor.

SPC Jesus S. Duran Eastside Library rendering
The concave shape of the plan creates a natural arrival and programming plaza and supports Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) best practices of passive supervision and a safe perimeter.

Envisioned as a welcoming place of positive influence, the design commits to a transparent exterior envelope that connects the community to the activity of the library and views through the building to the surrounding site. An exterior perforated solar screen has been layered over the glazed exterior to support building energy performance, security and interior user comfort. The screen patterning will be selected through a community artist initiative to reflect the diverse cultural heritage of the neighborhood.

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SPC Jesus S. Duran Eastside Library rendering
SPC Jesus S. Duran Eastside Library rendering

The steel structure is a character-defining element that merges lateral, and gravity loads into an optimized and repetitive chevron bracing skeleton that extends beyond the envelope to support an external shade canopy.

The open interior planning is supported by three sculptural cores extending through the roof plane to screen the rooftop equipment. A neutral and unifying white finish palette emphasizes the visual texture of the books, the finishes of the sculptural furniture and vibrancy of the acoustic paneling also designed through a local artist selection process.

Jesus Duran Library Interior Photo

The community room, a flexible space bridging indoors and outdoors, is a place for gatherings and collaboration. With retractable doors opening to an exterior patio, it blurs the boundaries between inside and out, inviting endless possibilities for community engagement.

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