Shelby Papp, EDAC, LEED AP, RID

Furniture Design Leader

Shelby Papp, EDAC, LEED AP, RID

With a knack for the details and ensuring a space is cohesive from the floor to the ceiling, Shelby leads our furniture studio out of our Houston office. An integral part of our interior design practice, Shelby ensures the furniture studio works seamlessly with both interior designers and the rest of the design team to ensure furniture makes and doesn’t break a space. 

Shelby’s expertise includes design and project management of healthcare, higher education and commercial interior spaces. Her more than 20 years of experience has led to long-lasting trusted relationships and the ability to integrate best practices with innovations to create warm and welcoming spaces for all.  

A few clients and collaborators 

  • University of Texas Medical Branch 
  • Kaiser Permanente 
  • Connecticut Children’s  


  • Process development 
  • Working with a team to select furniture pieces that put the cherry on top of a beautiful space 
  • Making clients feel comfortable navigating the complexities and pressure of a sometimes unfamiliar design process 


  • Serving as a Board Member on the Texas Association for Interior Design
  • Spending time with my family – immediate and all my cousins 
  • Live music