CannonDesign takes part in Community Impact Day 2024

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The New York City office volunteering in at Hawthorn Farm in Newark.

July 12, 2024

Social Sharing

Our purpose at CannonDesign is to help people flourish, not only within our firm but also in our communities. Every year, we take a break from our daily work to collectively volunteer and make a positive impact. During this year's Community Impact Day, teammates worldwide partnered with local non-profits to amplify their efforts. Read on to discover how each office contributed to making a difference this year.

Ann Arbor

Our Blue Cottage of CannonDesign teammates up in Ann Arbor, MI put together 50 lunch bags for numerous shelters in the Detroit area. They partnered with the Food Gatherers’ Lunches with Love program.

Additionally, our Innovation Fellow, Ben Bassin, MD, and his family set up a lemonade, cookie, and bracelet-making stand in their neighborhood of Ann Arbor. All proceeds were sent to Hope Clinic to provide meals for the homeless and whole-person medical care for those unable to afford care.

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Since Ben Bassin was unable to participate in the group event, he and his children created their own project and set up a stand on the corner of their neighborhood selling lemonade, cookie, and bracelet-making.
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Blue Cottage of CannonDesign teammates worked with Food Gatherers, an organization that provides food donations for numerous shelters and outreach programs throughout the Metro Detroit area.
blue cottage community impact day
Blue Cottage of CannonDesign teammates worked with Food Gatherers, an organization that provides food donations for numerous shelters and outreach programs throughout the Metro Detroit area.


Our Baltimore office divided and conquered two different projects. One team partnered with Friends of Herring Run Park to clean and restore the park, ensuring it remains a beautiful and accessible space for the community to enjoy. The second team volunteered at BE Transformed, an organization committed to supporting individuals in need by providing essential resources. Our volunteers sorted food and clothing, helping to organize supplies that will be distributed to community members facing hardship.

BE Transformed stands for the Belair-Edison community in Baltimore City. They provide a safe place for children and their families by providing after school clubs, AN emergency food bank, clothing boutique, tutoring and more.
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BE Transformed stands for the Belair-Edison community in Baltimore City. They provide a safe place for children and their families by providing after school clubs, AN emergency food bank, clothing boutique, tutoring and more.
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Friends of Herring Run Park is a community-based nonprofit that restores, protects and promotes the Herring Run Park stream valley, located in northeast Baltimore City.


Teammates in the Boston office volunteered at Christopher’s Haven, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting and comforting families with children undergoing cancer treatment. Our team brought new life to the space by painting the walls in bright, cheerful colors, aiming to create a joyful and uplifting environment for the children and their families.

Boston Group
CannonDesign teammates brightening up Christopher's Haven.


Our Buffalo office took on four incredible projects within the city. The first group worked with Journey's End Refugee Services to clean an apartment that will be housing a family of nine.

The second group volunteered at The Tool Library, where they upcycled an old storm window into a marker board, filled toolboxes for refugee families moving into homes furnished by Journey's End, weeded a pocket park in front of the library and planted numerous native plants. To cap it all off, they donated $5,000 to The Tool Library as part of the Buffalo office’s “Of Our Communities” effort.

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A CannonDesign team of nine partnered with Journey's End to clean and prepare a home for a family of nine.
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The Buffalo office volunteered at The Tool Library, a volunteer-powered nonprofit tool-lending library that gives community members access to tools, free educational programming and a helping hand.
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The Buffalo office volunteered at The Tool Library, a volunteer-powered nonprofit tool-lending library that gives community members access to tools, free educational programming and a helping hand.
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The Buffalo office volunteered at The Tool Library, a volunteer-powered nonprofit tool-lending library that gives community members access to tools, free educational programming and a helping hand.

The third group packed health kits at the Pride Center of Western New York, which will be distributed across the Greater Buffalo community. The Pride Center is focused on creating a safe, healthy and enriching place for LGBTQ people to live in Western New York.

Lastly, team members volunteered with Red Jacket Riverfront Natural Habitat Park to pick up trash. They totaled more than 115 pounds of trash and more than 650 items.

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Volunteers partnering with Pride Center of Western New York to organize items and pack up health kits for the local LGBTQ community.
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Volunteers partnering with Pride Center of Western New York to organize items and pack up health kits for the local LGBTQ community.
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A team of seven picked up trash in partnership with Erie County Parks.


Our Chicago office arranged three volunteer opportunities within the city and the office. Within the office, they partnered with the Chicago Loop Alliance to assemble more than a 100 hygiene kits and 40 coloring packs for those experiencing homelessness or facing housing insecurity with social services. These kits provide individuals with functional products they would not have access to and help them feel connected, cared about, less isolated and more emotionally prepared to start each day. 

The next group volunteered with Chicago Animal Care & Control (CACC), a local municipal animal shelter. Teammates put together frisbee pizza treats for dogs, cleaned water bowls, wiped down small cooldown pools in the outside kennels, built cat toys and provided much-needed love to the animals. 

Chicago Animal Center
Located in the Heart of Chicago neighborhood, the CACC is the city’s go-to place for animal surrender, control and adoption. Teammates did a handful of tasks including making treats for the animals, sorting out harnesses/leashes/collars and more.
Located in the Heart of Chicago neighborhood, the CACC is the city’s go-to place for animal surrender, control, and adoption. Teammates did a handful of tasks including making treats for the animals, sort out harnesses/leashes/collars, and more.

The last group visited the Feed My Starving Children organization, which distributes food to children in need across the globe. Our team packed and compiled 161 boxes, which accounts for 34,776 meals.

For the second year in a row, the Chicago office partnered with the Chicago Loop Alliance to collect and assemble kits for the unhoused.
For the second year in a row, the Chicago office partnered with the Chicago Loop Alliance to collect and assemble kits for the unhoused.
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Members of CannonDesign gathered in the suburb of Schaumburg to pack quality, nutritious meals for children in need.
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Members of CannonDesign gathered in the suburb of Schaumburg to pack quality, nutritious meals for children in need.

Dallas and Houston

Our Texas offices focused on food insecurity in the Texas region. In Dallas, they volunteered with two incredible organizations, North Texas Food Bank and City Square Food Bank. Our Houston teammates volunteered at the Houston Food Bank where they prepared nearly 9,500 pre-packed, healthy meals totaling 11,340 pounds.

Our Dallas team prepared 8,400+ meals for families in need.
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The Houston team worked in one of the Houston Food Bank’s warehouses and packaged 11,340 pounds of healthy meals for the community.
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The Houston office worked in one of the Houston Food Bank’s warehouses and packaged 11,340 pounds of healthy meals for the community.
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The Houston office worked in one of the Houston Food Bank’s warehouses and packaged 11,340 pounds of healthy meals for the community.


Our Denver office participated in a trail maintenance day and helped to maintain and improve over four miles of trail network just west of Denver alongside the organization Jeffco Open Space. The team learned about native plants, trail use, water runoff and some of the history of the land before development.

The Denver office had a great time with Jeffco Open Space, which has preserved more than 56,000 acres and created 27 regional parks in the area.
The Denver office had a great time with Jeffco Open Space, which has preserved more than 56,000 acres and created 27 regional parks in the area.
The Denver office had a great time with Jeffco Open Space, which has preserved more than 56,000 acres and created 27 regional parks in the area.

Irvine, Los Angeles and San Diego

Our California offices kept themselves busy. In Los Angeles, a team volunteered at the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank in South LA, where they sorted and packed nearly 10,000 pounds of produce to be distributed to over 700 food banks across the great LA area.

The Irvine office spent time at the Ronald McDonald House, a center that provides housing and care for sick children and their families. CannonDesign helped expand this building recently from 20 to 44 rooms. 

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The LA office sorted and packed food for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, which serves on average 900,000 people a month.
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The L.A office sorted and packed food for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, which serves on average 900,000 people a month.
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The L.A office sorted and packed food for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, which serves on average 900,000 people a month.
The Irvine office volunteered at the local Ronald McDonald house and helped fulfill the organization’s mission of providing a healing space for children and families.

In San Diego, the office volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and helped Habitat’s ReStore facility where all the items that go into these homes are accepted (via donations) prepared, stored, and finally sold for proceeds to support this amazing organization.

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Our San Diego office provided some much-needed hands to Habitat for Humanity by sorting through and organizing donations.
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Our San Diego office provided some much-needed hands to Habitat for Humanity by sorting through and organizing donations.
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Our San Diego office provided some much-needed hands to Habitat for Humanity by sorting through and organizing donations.


Our colleagues in Mumbai spent the day volunteering in the Primary School at St. Catherine Home, a beautiful old campus nestled amidst the bustling city of Mumbai. The campus houses schools for in-need children and an orphanage. Our team repaired damaged walls, repainted those severely affected by Mumbai's torrential rains and focused on creating a beautiful, welcoming entrance that brightens the kids’ days. To top it all off, the team had the opportunity to sponsor the education of a few children for an entire year.

Our Mumbai office had a fulfilling day beautifying a school campus for in-need children.
Our Mumbai office had a fulfilling day beautifying a school campus for underprivileged children.

New York City

The NYC office volunteered at Hawthorne Farm — a needed resource in the Newark community that ensures food is carefully grown then distributed to people and places who need it, including local farmer markets. Teammates weeded the garden, harvested kale and collards, picked up litter on the aligning street and rotated soil.

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Our team returned to Hawthorne Farm to help clean up the area and harvest crops. The New York City office also volunteered with the organization in the fall of last year.
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Our team returned to Hawthorne Farm to help clean up the area and harvest crops. The New York City office also volunteered with the organization in the fall of last year.
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Our team returned to Hawthorne Farm to help clean up the area and harvest crops. The New York City office also volunteered with the organization in the fall of last year.

Some of our New York City and Philadelphia-based CannonDesign and Blue Cottage team members came together and used their creativity differently. The team decorated and personalized care packages for the Queens Family Justice Center which supports victims and survivors of domestic and gender-based violence.

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Team members had fun decorating care packages that will be received to survivors of violence.


The Pittsburgh office partnered with the local NOMA Chapter to conduct a Project Pipeline workshop for the Boys and Girls Club as a part of Pittsburgh's Learn and Earn program. Project Pipeline volunteers and the CannonDesign team shared insight into the profession and helped the teens work through the ups and downs of using SketchUp Online to create 3D models.

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The Pittsburgh office presented a three-hour spirited workshop to students about the architecture field.
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The Pittsburgh office presented a three-hour spirited workshop to students about the architecture field.

Portland and Seattle

Our SRG + CannonDesign colleagues in the Pacific Northwest spent their day focused on two important projects. The Seattle team took to the Capitol Hill neighborhood to clean up, collecting 12 large bags of trash along the way.

The Portland team volunteered at the Children’s Book Bank repairing and cleaning children’s books. The organization accepts new and gently used book donations from the community, then asks volunteers to sort, clean and distribute the books through their various partners that support literacy development for underserved children and families. 

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Our Seattle office participated in a community cleanup and picked up trash along the streets and nearby parks.
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Our Seattle office participated in a community cleanup and picked up trash along the streets and nearby parks.
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Our Seattle office participated in a community cleanup and picked up trash along the streets and nearby parks.
Our team in Portland had a fun time cleaning and repairing children’s books for the Children’s Book Bank.


Some of our remote teammates in Rochester, NY, came together to volunteer at the local Ronald McDonald House. They cleaned and organized two family room spaces, rearranged the furniture, and donated four large bags of goods to the Penfield Ecumenical Food Shelf, the town’s food bank. Their efforts helped create a more welcoming environment for families and provided essential supplies to those in need.

Remote employees in Rochester, NY, and their families volunteered at the local Ronald McDonald House, which currently is housing 70 people.
Remote employees in Rochester, NY and their families volunteered at the local Ronald McDonald House, which currently is housing 70 people.
Remote employees in Rochester, NY and their families volunteered at the local Ronald McDonald House, which currently is housing 70 people.

St. Louis

Five incredible volunteer initiatives happened in our St. Louis office. The first was at Crisis Nursery, a non-profit organization that provides 24/7 daycare to kids aged 0-12 whose parents are in crises. The group sorted donations of food, clothing, diapers, wipes and more.

A second group worked with Nurses for Newborns where they did inventory for food and products, helped clean and move supplies, unpacked and restocked diapers and stuff folders for community outreach.

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A group in our St. Louis office learned a lot about the Crisis Nursery center and helped the center organize donations.
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Members of the St. Louis office sorted through diapers and formula that will be available to families.
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Members of the St. Louis office sorted through diapers and formula that will be available to families.
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Members of the St. Louis office sorted through diapers and formula that will be available to families.

The third group worked with a Nature Reserve team through Forest Park Forever, cleaning up sections of the park and removing invasive species to help the park restore to what it looked like before.

A fourth group spent the morning cleaning and prepping apartments in various stages of completion with Bethel Hills, an organization that provides housing for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This included final cleaning and furnishing of one unit and removing drywall dust and construction debris from several others. Additionally, several areas outside were tended to including weeding, seeding and power washing.

The last group spent time with Seed St. Louis where they erected a greenhouse, watered trees and garden beds, cleaned out Sumner High School's raised beds, spread mulch around trees, assembled raised beds and uncovered a sidewalk.

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CannonDesign members helped prep apartments in various stages of completion for the nonprofit Bethel Hills.
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CannonDesign members helped prep apartments in various stages of completion for the nonprofit Bethel Hills.
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CannonDesign members helped prep apartments in various stages of completion for the nonprofit Bethel Hills.
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Members of the St. Louis office cleaned up Forest Park, one of the 100 city parks under the jurisdiction of the Department of Park, Recreation and Forestry.
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St. Louis teammates volunteering with Seed St. Louis, a nonprofit that provides and supports over 250 community gardens, school gardens and urban orchards in neighborhoods.


The Toronto office picked up garbage at Little Norway Park with the Ocean Wise group, helping to clean up the shoreline. Ocean Wise is a global conservation organization on a mission to build communities that take meaningful action to protect and restore oceans and lakes.

The Toronto office volunteered with Ocean Wise, an organization that takes action to protect and restore the ocean and environment.
The Toronto office volunteered with Ocean Wise, an organization that takes action to protect and restore the ocean and environment.

Washington D.C.

Our D.C. team played a pivotal role in the design and volunteer efforts for the 2024 AEC Cares Project, an organization that unites the architecture, engineering and construction industries for a day of service during the annual AIA Conference. In phase one, CannonDesign collaborated with other architecture firms to design and renovate the lower level of a residential property for REACH (Residential Empowerment Adolescent Community Home). This space will provide a temporary home for teen boys transitioning out of the detention system and undergoing rehabilitation.

For phase two, our teammates aligned their efforts with Community Impact Day to further enhance the property. They painted the reconstructed front stairs, added room numbers, installed hardware, performed paint touch-ups, and cleaned the space. These contributions helped create a supportive and welcoming environment for the young residents of REACH.

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“The impact that you all have made with the REACH Program is more than you know.  I have noticed a total shift in attitudes not just with the youth but with the staff as well. It's like a new motivation/ renewed energy to do the work that we do with youth and families.” – Sasha Bruce Youthwork (SBY) organization
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“The impact that you all have made with the REACH Program is more than you know.  I have noticed a total shift in attitudes not just with the youth but with the staff as well. It's like a new motivation/ renewed energy to do the work that we do with youth and families.” – Sasha Bruce Youthwork (SBY) organization
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“The impact that you all have made with the REACH Program is more than you know.  I have noticed a total shift in attitudes not just with the youth but with the staff as well. It's like a new motivation/ renewed energy to do the work that we do with youth and families.” – Sasha Bruce Youthwork (SBY) organization